Coseco produces its plants and lines in-house, from the engineering in its Technical Office up to the manufacturing in its Workshop.
All the plants and lines which Coseco supplies are engineered in its Technical Office by experts, featuring wide knowledge in mechanical engineering in chemical and electrolytic processes, knowing well the industrial environment in which the lines run and, last but not least, having a long working experience. These features allow Coseco for successfully meeting the challenges coming from the industry for equipment with all growing requests in terms of quality equipment and industrial productivity and ecology.
Processing of steel and polymeric materials for own use and for tolling
The Coseco Workshop is equipped with the machinery required to manufacture most of the parts, which build up the plants and lines.Coseco processes polymer materials and steel. The incoming polymer sheets are cut, processed and welded in-door. A 5-axes CNC machine (4500 x 1700) ensures a large autonomy in manufacturing pieces with a complex geometry. Tubes and pipes, which are not available as commercial goods, are manufactured in-house with the help of an automatic welding machine. Where requested, the welding is done manually by skilled and qualified manpower. The steel (normal steel or stainless steel), which is needed to do vessels, supporting structures, etc., enters the workshop under shape of sheets and profiles, and is processed on presses and shears, welded in welding islands. Painting is subcontracted to specialised companies guarantying a high quality and the respect of environmental rules. Operators of specialised companies do the packaging (for forwarding on truck or by sea) at the Coseco Workshop.
Upon request the Coseco Worshop works also on tolling